How to view activity
You can review a complete timeline of projects'' activity in Site Specs.
Login to, navigate to the project using the search bar and/or filters. In the project detail view, navigate to the 'Activity' tab. Then use the search bar and filters to filter to the specific activity you are looking for. Otherwise, you can view all project activity in chronological order.
You can also view a complete log of all activity by clicking the left navigation bar's 'Activity' tab. Here you can view all activity on all the proejcts you are a member of and use the search/filters to find exactly what you are looking for.
Login to the Site Specs mobile app, navigate to the project using the search bar if necesary. In the project detail view, scroll down to the 'Recent Activity' listat the bottom of the view. At thevery bottom you can tap the 'View all activity' to see a complete timeline of all activity on the project.
You can also view a complete log of all activity by clicking the bottom navigation bar's 'Activity' tab. Here you can view all activity on all the proejcts you are a member of and use the search/filters to find exactly what you are looking for.