How to view completed checklists
Users can view all completed and uploaded checklists on any project on and/or the Site Specs mobile app.
Login to and navigate to the My Projects page where you can search for your desired project. Click into the project details and navigate to the Checklists tab where you will see a list of all the checklist template on that project. Search for the checklist template and click on it to view a log of all the uploads of that particular template. You can filter the upload log by the answers, users who uploaded it and date ranges.
Login to the Site Specs mobile app, search for the project you are working on and tap it to enter it's project details page. Select the Checklists button then toggle the checklists view to 'Templates'. Search for the template you want and select the 'View Uploads' option on the checklist template card to view all the uploads of that template.